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کتاب Til Stress Do Us Part (کتاب استرس از ما جدا می شود) قیمت اصلی 360,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 180,000 تومان است.
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کتاب Psychology of Human Behavior (کتاب روانشناسی رفتار انسان)

قیمت اصلی 360,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 180,000 تومان است.

* مـتـن کـامـل بـدون حـذفـیـات *


by Addison Bell (Author)


‎ Independently published



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5 افرادی که اکنون این محصول را تماشا می کنند!

خرید و قیمت کتاب Psychology of Human Behavior * انتشارات کادن

خرید و قیمت کتاب Psychology of Human Behavior از فروشگاه کادن


Where Does Your Personality Come From? Why Are You the Way You Are?If you have ever asked, “Who am I?” this book has the answers you have been looking for.

Psychologists have unlocked the secrets behind the mysteries of human behavior, and this easy-to-read book explains those secrets in simple language.

Finally, you don’t have to be an expert in psychology or neurobiology to understand the reasons you do the things you do.You will learn that the first step to understanding the psychology of human behavior is to understand your identity and how your identity is formed.

Inside this book, you will also discover:How do identities evolveWhy online identities are differentLink between identity and personalityTypes of personalitiesHow the six major personality tests workHow human perception and emotion affect behaviorLinks between identity and social identityHow groups affect behaviorHow therapy helps change behaviorsHow each primary type of therapy worksWho am I, if I’m not my thoughts?And Much More!

This book is perfect for anyone looking to understand themselves better, human behavior in general, and people who want to change their lives.

After reading The Psychology of Human Behavior, you will have the tools to understand why you do the things that you do, and you will know the steps you need to take to change any of your behaviors. Get Your Copy of The Psychology of Human Behavior Today!



خرید و قیمت کتاب Psychology of Human Behavior از فروشگاه کادن، by Addison Bell (Author)