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کتاب Object Oriented Python

قیمت اصلی 460,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 230,000 تومان است.


by Irv Kalb (Author)


O'Reilly Media



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خرید و قیمت کتاب Object Oriented Python ، فروشگاه کـــادن

خرید و قیمت کتاب Object Oriented Python از فروشگاه کادن ،


Object-Oriented Python is an intuitive and thorough guide to mastering object-oriented programming from the ground up. You’ll cover the basics of building classes and creating objects, and put theory into practice using the pygame package with clear examples that help visualize the object-oriented style. You’ll explore the key concepts of object-oriented programming — encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance — and learn not just how to code with objects, but the absolute best practices for doing so.
Finally, you’ll bring it all together by building a complex video game, complete with full animations and sounds. The book covers two fully functional Python code packages that will speed up development of graphical user interface (GUI) programs in Python.
“If only I could have learned programming with this book! Any sufficiently advanced Python code will work with classes and Irv Kalb has provided a useful, fun introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
The projects start simple and build upon each other, always with a specific outcome in mind. For example, the first example is a basic card game written in procedural Python. A dozen chapters later, you’ll be including card graphics and keeping track of the state of the deck with OOP concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance—all without reading a dry textbook. Object-Oriented Python is a fun way for new coders to level up their skills.”



خرید و قیمت کتاب Object Oriented Python از فروشگاه کادن ، by Irv Kalb (Author)

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