خرید و قیمت کتاب Fable از فروشگاه کادن
کتاب Fable (رمان افسانه) قیمت اصلی 360,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 180,000 تومان است.
بازگشت به محصولات
خرید و قیمت کتاب The Prison Healer از فروشگاه کادن
کتاب The Prison Healer (رمان شفا دهنده زندان) قیمت اصلی 480,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 260,000 تومان است.

کتاب Namesake (رمان همنام)

قیمت اصلی 380,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 180,000 تومان است.

* مـتـن کـامـل بـدون حـذفـیـات *


by Adrienne Young (Author)


Wednesday Books



قطع کتاب


نوع کاغذ


تعداد صفحات


7 افرادی که اکنون این محصول را تماشا می کنند!

خرید و قیمت کتاب Namesake * فروشگاه کـادن

خرید و قیمت کتاب Namesake از فروشگاه کادن .


With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug’s scheme. In order to get to her intended destination she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception, she learns that the secrets her mother took to her grave are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

Adrienne Young is a foodie with a deep love of history and travel and a shameless addiction to coffee. When she’s not writing, you can find her on her yoga mat, sipping wine over long dinners or disappearing into her favorite art museums. She lives with her documentary filmmaker husband and their four little wildlings in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling Sky in the Deep duology and the World of the Narrows series.


خرید و قیمت کتاب Namesake از فروشگاه کادن، by Adrienne Young (Author)

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