خرید و قیمت کتاب Shelterwood از فروشگاه کادن
کتاب Shelterwood قیمت اصلی 580,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 290,000 تومان است.
بازگشت به محصولات
خرید و قیمت کتاب The Strategy Legacy از فروشگاه کادن
کتاب The Strategy Legacy (کتاب میراث استراتژی) قیمت اصلی 240,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 120,000 تومان است.

کتاب All Marketers are Liars (کتاب همه بازاریابان دروغگو هستند)

قیمت اصلی 260,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 130,000 تومان است.

* مـتـن کـامـل بـدون حـذفـیـات *


by Seth Godin (Author)





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7 افرادی که اکنون این محصول را تماشا می کنند!

خرید و قیمت کتاب All Marketers are Liars * انتشارات کادن

خرید و قیمت کتاب All Marketers are Liars از فروشگاه کادن


All marketers tell stories. And if they do it right, we believe them. We believe that wine tastes better in a $20 glass than a $1 glass. We believe that an $80,000 Porsche is vastly superior to a $36,000 Volkswagen that’s virtually the same car. We believe that $225 sneakers make our feet feel better—and look cooler—than a $25 brand. And believing it makes it true.

As Seth Godin has taught hundreds of thousands of marketers and students around the world, great marketers don’t talk about features or even benefits. Instead, they tell a story—a story we want to believe, whether it’s factual or not. In a world where most people have an infinite number of choices and no time to make them, every organization is a marketer, and all marketing is about telling stories.

Marketers succeed when they tell us a story that fits our worldview, a story that we intuitively embrace and then share with our friends. Think of the Dyson vacuum cleaner, or Fiji water, or the iPod.


خرید و قیمت کتاب All Marketers are Liars از فروشگاه کادن، by Seth Godin (Author)