خرید کتاب دوازده سال زندگی ساموئل هاولی The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley
The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley قیمت اصلی 190,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 120,000 تومان است.
بازگشت به محصولات
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Clockwork Angel - The Infernal Devices 1 قیمت اصلی 300,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 150,000 تومان است.

Don’t Let Go

قیمت اصلی 220,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 110,000 تومان است.


رمــان انـگـلـیـسـی


Harlan Coben


Dutton Books



نوع جلد

جلد نرم (شومیز)

تعداد صفحات


4 افرادی که اکنون این محصول را تماشا می کنند!

کتاب رها نکن Don’t Let Go

خرید کتاب رها نکن Don’t Let Go ، هارلن کوبن Harlan Coben یکی از نویسندگان زبردست آمریکایی در سبک جنایی است که طرح و داستان هایش از پیچیدگی های بسیاری برخوردار هستند.

کاراگاه نپ Nap از وقتی که جسد برادرش لئو و نامزدش دایانا Diana را در ایستگاه راه اهن مرده پیدا کرد، آدم دیگری شده است. معشوقه اش مورا Maura بدون هیچ توضیحی از او جدا شد و غیبش زد. پانزده سال است که نپ Nap بدنبال معشوقه اش مورا Maura و همچنین رمز و راز قتل برادرش می گردد. حالا به نظر می¬رسد پس از گذشت این همه سال او به سرنخ هایی دست یافته و در پس این ماجرا حقایقی شوکه کننده را کشف می کند…

افتخارات نویسنده:
Winner of the 1996 Anthony Award in the category “Best Paperback Original”, for Deal Breaker
Nominated for an Edgar Award in the same category
Winner of the 1997 Shamus Award and the Edgar Award for Best Paperback Original
Nominated for the Anthony Award and the Barry Award in the same category
Nominated for a Dilys Award
Winner of the 1998 Barry Award and was nominated for the Dilys Award and the Shamus Award
Winner of nominated for the Anthony Award, the Macavity Award, the Edgar Award and the Barry Award
Winner of the world’s most lucrative crime fiction award, the RBA Prize for Crime Writing, worth €125,000
Nominated for Audie Award for Thriller/Suspense

خرید کتاب رها نکن Don’t Let Go

Harlan Coben Harlan Coben is an accomplished American crime writer whose plot and stories are complex

Detective Nap has been a different person since he found the bodies of his brother Leo and his fiancée Diana dead at the train station. His mistress, Maura, broke up with him without any explanation and disappeared. For fifteen years, Nap has been searching for his mistress Maura, as well as the mystery of his brother’s murder. Now it seems that after all these years, he has obtained clues and discovers shocking truths behind this story…

Author honors:
Winner of the 1996 Anthony Award in the category “Best Paperback Original”, for Deal Breaker
Nominated for an Edgar Award in the same category
Winner of the 1997 Shamus Award and the Edgar Award for Best Paperback Original
Nominated for the Anthony Award and the Barry Award in the same category
Nominated for a Dilys Award
Winner of the 1998 Barry Award and was nominated for the Dilys Award and the Shamus Award
Winner of nominated for the Anthony Award, the Macavity Award, the Edgar Award and the Barry Award
Winner of the world’s most lucrative crime fiction award, the RBA Prize for Crime Writing, worth € 125,000
Nominated for Audie Award for Thriller / Suspense

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